Gut and Back Issues Case Study

by sue

Love in a Box

by Sue Kira, Naturopath & Clinical Nutritionist

Client name and identifying information changed

Sam, who worked as a packer for a clothing manufacturer, came to me with tummy problems as well as back problems from lifting heavy boxes all day.

As we talked, it was obvious he disliked packing clothes into boxes and found it boring. His tummy problems related to when he ate bread, so I suggested that he trial eating gluten free for a few weeks and see how he felt.

I asked him how he packed the boxes, and he said that most of the time he didn’t even think about how he was packing; he had done this job for so long that he could probably do it blind-folded. He was fed up with his boring monotonous job, so he packed the boxes with feelings of anger and resentment and felt unappreciated by his employer.

I brought to his attention that he was packing boxes in the energy of anger, frustration and resentment, and suggested that people at shops who unpack the boxes would receive the energy of his ‘boxes of anger’ which could affect them. He was blown away.

I suggested that rather than ‘check-out’ at work, instead be present by completely focusing his attention on what he was doing when packing and lifting.

By feeling his body – his muscles, joints, posture and how he moved – he would be more aware if he was lifting inappropriately, straining or if his body needed a rest.

I suggested for four weeks, until I saw him again, that he pack the boxes with an energy of love, which would then be felt by those who unpacked the boxes.

In other words, he was bringing purpose, presence, service and commitment to what had seemed like a mundane job.

When we caught up, he told me that his back issues had disappeared and there was no more pain, and his tummy was no longer bloated and uncomfortable. He also realised that he had been holding anger in his body and noticed the difference when he was very ‘present’ with his body and with the products he packed.

Remarkably, he also told me he had really enjoyed his work over the previous month and changed his attitude about his job.

A month later Sam phoned and told me that his boss must have noticed the shift because he received a promotion. He was happy, as was his gentle body.

It just shows what an amazing affect conscious presence can have (with a touch of love).


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